試管嬰兒之父也是諾貝爾醫學獎得主Robert G Edwards創立的不孕症第三名期刊Reproductive BioMedicine Online宣布我指導的論文榮獲2011年年度最佳4篇論文之第二名,我研究的主題是生物冷光活體追蹤同種老鼠間卵巢移植以免疫排斥藥治療的效應。我的排名放最後表示為此篇通訊作者 (責任作者),就是指導作者之意,台灣第一次有人(在下我)獲此殊榮。
PS: 被指導的林宜欣醫師因此篇獲得美國第一名的
21 June 2012
Dear Dr Chen
Robert G. Edwards Prize Paper Award for 2011
Congratulations! Today, we, as editors of Reproductive BioMedicine Online, are pleased to announce on the journal website [http://www.rbmojournal.com/home] that a paper from your laboratory appears in connection with the 2011 annual Robert G. Edwards Prize Paper Award for the best paper published in the journal in that year. This award has been established by Elsevier Ltd. for the purpose of recognizing excellence in our field of study, and will be awarded annually. All original research or review articles published in journal volumes 22 and 23 (including Ethics, Bioscience and Life, but excluding supplements) have been considered for this prize.
The winning author(s) receive a certificate of recognition, 1000 Euros, and a complimentary ScienceDirect Ambassador Account. SD Ambassadors receive full access to the entire library of books and journals published by Elsevier. In addition, the prize-winning paper will be made open access. Where the prize goes to a multi-author paper, the more junior of the main authors receives the one year’s access to the entire Elsevier Science Direct database. All names will appear on the award certificate.
Congratulations on making it to this highly competitive short list stage. The winner will be announced on 28th June.
Yours truly
Jacques Cohen
Gedis Grudzinskas
Martin Johnson
The four short listed papers for the 2011 prize are:
Ooplast-mediated developmental rescue of bovine oocytes exposed to ethidium bromide by Marcos Roberto Chiaratti, Christina Ramires Ferreira, Felipe Perecin, Simone Cristina Meo, Juliano Rodrigues Sangalli, Lıgia Garcia Mesquita, Julio Cesar de Carvalho Balieiro, Lawrence Charles Smith, Joaquim Mansano Garcia, Flavio Vieira Meirelles in Reproductive BioMedicine Online 22, 172–183.
Differential transcriptomic profile in spermatozoa achieving pregnancy or not via ICSI by Sandra Garcıa-Herrero, Nicolas Garrido, Jose´ Antonio Martınez-Conejero,
Jose´ Remohı´, Antonio Pellicer, Marcos Meseguer in Reproductive BioMedicine Online 22, 25– 36.
Meiosis errors in over 20,000 oocytes studied in the practice of preimplantation aneuploidy testing by Anver Kuliev , Zev Zlatopolsky, Irina Kirillova, Julia Spivakova,
Jeanine Cieslak Janzen in Reproductive BioMedicine Online 22, 2– 8.
Evaluating the effects of immunosuppression by in-vivo bioluminescence imaging after allotransplantation of ovarian grafts by Yi-Hsin Lin, Yu-Chi Yeh, Chii-Ruey Tzeng, Wei-Jen Shang, Jah-Yao Liu, Chi-Huang Chen in Reproductive BioMedicine Online 22, 220– 227.