優秀論文獎 (Prize poster award)
1. CH Chen et al. Reconstitution of spermatogenesis from testis failure after spermatogonial stem cells (SSC) transplantation for male fertility preservation-A transgenic mouse model prize poster: 7th Conference of The Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility (PRSFS 2009汎太平洋生殖醫學會)
2. Chi-Huang Chen1,2, Gwo-Jang Wu1, Jah-Yao, Liu1, Chii-Ruey Tzeng2 Protective effect of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue on chemotherapeutic agent-induced ovarian gonadotoxicity: A mouse model Fertilink and International Ovarian Conference 2010 (Prize poster 日本京都)
3. Chen CH et al.Tracking the development potential and the onset inhibition of primordial follicle of the cryopreserved murine ovary with bioluminescent imaging (BLI) in vivo (生物冷光活體追蹤小鼠卵巢冷凍抑制始基卵泡的分化) (2010台灣生殖醫學會年會(prize poster)